As pointed in the board outside the temple, this is a part of the abhimanasthalams in thondai mandalam that has navagraham connection - this is a Raghu - Ketu parikara sthalam and also abhimanasthalam for Sri Neervanna Perumal temple at Thiru Neer Malai ( Close to Pallavapuram hills ). The temple itself is standing in this same place for a recorded 1200 years and evidence pointing to its existence even prior to that do exist.
The existence of only Nammalwar sannidhi and no other alwars, even points to the fact that it should have been nearly 5000 years old as per hindu vedic calendar as Nammalwar is an alwar who was born 43 days after the start of Kali Yugam some 5000 years ago. More over, there are pandava caves in the back side of this temple in the Thirusulam hills ( which is now being occupied by a mosque ) and also the fact that there are pandava rathams built during the pallava time in Mahabali puram which is closer to this place, all point to the fact that this temple was also part of the complex of temples built during the late Dwapara Yuga and early Kali Yuga. The fact that 3 Hanumans are there and only Hanumans are the dwara Palakas in this temple, puts this temple in the timelines of Ramayana time as Sri Rama is also mentioned to have visited Ramavaram to bless the Bringi Muni whose name is the mount called ( Bringi Malai or Parangi Malai ) near by puts this temple even before that time in tretayuga. So, this temple has existed in all 3 previous yugas, Tretayuga, Dwaparayuga and Kaliyuga and the Lord similar to Sri Thirupathi Balaji is ushering all the wishes of his devotees 100 times of what they offer.
For latest photos of Sri Sridevi Sri Bhudevi samedha Sri Neelavarna Perumal and the temple and its traditions, please visit the following picasaweb albums.
The following picasaweb alumbum gives details of the old traditions of Gokulashtami ( Sri Krishna Jayanthi ) celebrations that are unique to this temple, called Thavotsavam.
Sri Neelavarna Perumal atop his Mount - the Vedic bird - Sri Garudaazhwar - Photo taken Vikruthi Varusha - Purattasi Sravanam Utsavam ( English calendar - October 2010 )
(Left) Sri Ananda Nilaya Vimanam of Lord Sri Neelvarna Perumal - (Right) Sri Neelavarna Perumal Moolavar with Sri and Bhu devi on both sides. A devotee has presented a new Salagrama mala for moolavar for getting cured of his illness by the Lord's blessings.
Sri Neelavarna Perumal Utsavar with Sri and Bhudevi Nachiyars - Perumal is having his new silver yagyopaveedam which a devotee presented after praying for the lord for his travel abroad which the Lord very immediately gave. Perumal is also having his Salagrama Malai and karna patrams.
Sri Vedavalli Thayar - Moolavar (closeup and long shot) - A seperate shrine for Thayar is being built - your generous contributions are kindly requested for this kaimkaryam for Thayar sir mahalakshmi towards the utsavar vigraham for Sri Vedavalli thayar. Devotees wishing to adopt Sri Vedavalli thayar as their own daughter can do so by registering their names for the Panguni Utram kalyana utsavam and taking part as the bride's parents from thayar side.
Sri Navaneetha Nardhana Krishnan with Swamy Sadagopan - Nammalwar
Sri Yoga Narasimha Swamy - Sri Sudharsana Swamy ( Seperate shrines are being built for Sri Narasimha swamy & Sri Sudharsana swamy). Requesting for devotees to contribute towards the utsava vigraham for Sri Sudharsanar and Sri Yoga Narasimhar.
Sri Jaya and Sri Vijaya Anjaneyas - ( Dwara Palakas of Neelavarna Perumal temple).
The Raghu and Ketu stones - depicted as trying to swallow Chandra and Surya
Sri Lakshmi Varaha Moorthy - The granter of all enlightment

Sri Sridevi Bhudevi Samedha Sri Neelavarna Perumal - Thiruvoona Nakshatra utsavam

Sri Sridevi Bhudevi Samedha Sri Neelavarna Perumal - Samprokshana Utsava dinam.

Sri Sridevi Bhudevi samedha Sri Neelavarna Perumal Moolavar and utsavar before samprokshanam.

Sri Nammalwar swamy - the only Alwar and Acharya to whom Sri Neelavaran gives dharshan.

Sri Sridevi Bhudevi samedha Sri Neelavaran on the day of thiru veedhi porappadu.

Sri Sridevi Bhudevi samedha Sri Neelavarna Perumal - utsavar - before samprokshanam.

Perumal Kovil at Nanmangalam before samprokshanam.

Sri Jaya Anjaneya on the right side of entrance to temple.

Sri Vijaya Anjaneya on the left side entrance to the temple.

The New Ananda Nilaya Vimanam with Sri Lakshmi Hayagreevar on its side

Sri Sridevi Bhudevi Samedha Sri Neelavarana Perumal - Nanmangalam

Picture1: The New Ananda Nilaya Vimanam of Sri Neelavarna Perumal Temple

Picture 2: The front of Sri Neelavarna Perumal Temple

Picture 3: The Old Deepasthambam under which Sri Hanuman is standing facing the Lord.

Picture 4: The Stone Cutting explaining the grant given by the Pallava king to Nanmangalam and to Sri Neelavarna Perumal temple.
The Lord here in the Sri Sannidhi is in Standing posture with Abhaya Hastham and Kati Hastham in the front two hands and holds the Shanku and Chakram in the back two hands.
The Lord faces east along with Sri and Bhu devi on either side. The statue of Lord portrays, the Lord as he comes out of the Jwala of Agni in the sacrifice.
The Lord and Sri and Bhu devi vigrahams are made of stones equal to Salagram Stones. There are YANTRAMS for Lord, Sri Devi and Bhu Devi and it is believed that one who worships the Lord with the Yantram will get the power to attract money (Dhanakarshana Yantra Siddhi).
The temple is by construction satisfying the Aaagama Shastram and the Lord's pushkarni is filled with water even in the Agni Nakshatram, a rare event to see in Chennai.
There are Dhoosha nivarthi Stones on top of the Sannidhi for Nammalwar and on top and sides of Ardha Mandapam.
The Stones have the signs of Soorya, Chandra, Raghu and Keetu as Serpents. Having a dharshan of these stones is said to remove one of the evils got from the above 4 plantes and also make a quick marriage possible.
The Dhoosha stones for Raashi and Nakshatra are in the form of 2 fishes. Having a dharshan of these will take out the evils occuring from Raashi and Nakshatra respectivley.
There is authentic records that this temple is the Prarthana sthalam for Thiruneermalai temple.
Perumal's vigraham is filled with anandham in face to see his beloved devotee visit him. Perumal's right sripaadam is seen pressing ground and left sri paadam is seen slightly raised position indicating he is ready to step towards his devotee to solve his misery and grant him his desired boon.
The Idols of Perumal and Nammalwar are so arranged that Perumal is seen giving dharshan to Nammalwar to honour him for his devoted bhakthi.
Hence worshipping Lord here is equivalent to worshipping Narasimhar, Thiruvikramar, Ranganathar and Neervarna perumal of Thiruneermalai which is one of the 108 divya desams sung by the Alwars.
Scientific evidences are also in plenty prooving the existence of Lord here since 1200 years. The Stone slab inside the temple and Temple roof top stones are speaking of the temple grants by the Pallava kings. Efforts are made to bring Archeological society of India to do more analysis on the age of the temple. It is estimated that the tamarind tree behind the temple, and which belongs to the temple are is more than 150 years old.
All devotees are requested to come and have dharshan of Lord and get all dhosha nivarthee done here.
Pancharatra Agamam is followed in the temple.
Sri Rajagopala Battacharya Swamy is doing the archaka kaimkaryam in the temple, he was the famous high priest of Sri Rangaji Mandir at Mathura ( Thiru Vada Madurai ) - one of the 108 divya desams. Sri Krishna who is the moola moorthy at Sri Rangaji Mandir in Mathura, has ordered that Sri Rajagopalan Battacharya should serve him as Sri Neelavarnan in Nanmangalam. This again proves that Sri Neelavarnan is none other than Sri Krishna in his all potential form.
Sri Godha Devi ( Andal ) samedha Sri Vennaikkadum Kannan - Sayana Berar of this kshetram - he is the one who goes to sleep every night in a ceremonial way along with his beloved lover and wife, Andal along with him.
The entrance door of the main shrine - sanctom sanctorum- with ashta lakshmi in the carving.
Sri Sridevi Sri Bhudevi samedha Sri Neelavarna Perumal moolavar in background - utsavar with Sri Sudharsanar and Andal Kannan in the front.
Perumal - moolavar - utsavar
Andal Kannan
Utsavar with Sri Vakshas Sthala Lakshmi - perumal has an entire image of Sri Mahalakshmi in his chest - this is unique only to this kshetram.
The famous and very old Sri Ramar painting - Sri Rama is with Sri Sita devi in the pattabishekam pose - Praying to him is supposed to cure all jataka and sareera ( physical) illness -the small hanuman below is shown with a small sward in his chest to signify that he acts as a doctor to Sri Rama's devotees and to protect them from other evil spirits.
The new Sri Vedavalli thayar utsavar vigraham with Satari in the front.
The famous Sri Sathya Narayana swami bimbam ( photo ) - he is the presiding deity here in this temple on the satyanarayana puja on every pournami ( full moon day )
Sri Nammalwar with Sri Madhurakavi as his sripaadukai in this Kshetram - Alwar is the only alwar to whom perumal gives dharshan and first mariyadhai goes only to him.
Periya Perumal with his parivaaram
Utsavar with decoration
Periya Perumal and utsavar
Periya Perumal Thiruvadi sevai - behind the utsava moorthy
Sri Kalyana Garudan - he is a great varaprasaadhi here and it is said, in this kshetram, there is an idheeham that who ever prays for a fast marriage if they pray to this Garudan, he ushers them immediately, they do archanai with kumkumam and red vastram and those who wish for a child, also get ushered their wish and they cover the walls of the Garudan sannidhi with Sandalwood paste.
The Ashta Lakshmi Dwaram - Main sanctom sanctorum gate.
Dasavatara on the sides of the Main Sanctom Sanctorum
Perumal Chinnams like Garudan, Chakram, Thiruman SriChoornam, Shankam and Hanuman atop the front entrance of Sri Neelavarna Perumal sanctom sanctourm.
Dasavataram on the sides of the entrance gate.
There is a small shrine proposed to be built for this Krishnar near the Thulsai Maadam.
Deepasthambam with Thulasi Maadam behind.
The famous Kambaththadi Anjaneyar - this Hanumar is the favorite of local people - he appears in dreams to the locals and guides them in their business and medical problems to success in their life and wealth and prosperity.
Dwajasthambam - this is yet to be completed as it needs the covering with plating and also with Perumal chinnams like thiruman, chanku, chakram and Garudan
The Famous Jaya Anjaneyar - he stands in the left side entrance of the temple.
Annakkooda Utsavam to be held in the temple - an announcement to locals and devotees.
Sri Vijaya Anjaneyar - he stands to the right side of the temple.
Front entrance to the temple with speakers which are used daily for broadcasting Perumal songs and stotrams. Vishnu Sahasranamam is put in the evening as well as during special occassions, it serves as the announcement for devotees.
Dasavatara Shobana Mandapam
Dasavatara Shobana Mandapam
Dasavatara Shobana Mandapam
Sri Sudharsana Alwar Sannidhi - newly built.
Sri Jaya Veera Ashta Siddhi Maha Sudharsana swamy - This sudharsanar is very powerful and protects his devotees against the billi soonyams, evil spirits, guides Perumal devotees in success in education, business and career along with ushering the physical well being and health.
Sri Ashta Maha Siddhi Rogha Nivarana Yoga Narasimhar - This Narasimhar is on the back side of the Sudharsana Alwar and he faces south - there by signifying he drives away the evil spirits, billi and soonyam, teaches to his devotees the secrets of Ashta Maha Yogam and also ushers health and happiness in family between the couples.
The right side prakaram with Sri Thayar sannidhi in the end - this prakarm also serves as Perumal Kalyana Mandapam during Navaratri Utsavam.
The Mandapam is named after the late Sri Madhavan swamy - who laid down his life to serving the temple till his last breath.
Front look of the newly built Thayar Sannidhi
Sri Vedavalli Thayar - Thanikkovil Naachiyar - adoring her beautiful hair.
The 8th Century C.E. stone tablet recording the grant of the entire village of Nanmangalam to Sri Sridevi Sri Bhudevi samedha Sri Neelavarna Perumal temple - Now kept in a separate enclosure - the tablet itself is a three part one - only one part is in the temple and the remaining 2 parts are still struck beneath a huge stone in the near by paddy fields.
The front side of Sri NeelaVarana Perumal temple - all are most welcome.
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