Sri Sridevi Bhudevi Samedha Sri Neelavarna Parabramhane Namaha
Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha
Srimathe Nigmantha Maha Desikaya Namaha
Dear Bhagavtotamas. The great lord Sriman Narayana, in his Krishna Avatar tells that to vanquish evil and to restore the dharma or law of land he comes down to earth in every yuga.In Krutah Yuga, he came down as Sri Narasimha. In Threta yuga he came as Sri Rama. In Dwapara yuga he came down as Sri Krishna. All these forms were taken to help people in leading their life happily by surrendering unto himself. This is the only method that the Lord proclaims is the most easiest and liked by him in Bhagavat Gita - ( Ref. Charama Sloka in Bhagavat Geeta).The All Loving god tells us the way of life and protects the people who worship him as the only way to salvation(Sharnagathi - Bhaara Samarpanam - Bhaara nyasam). Hence people built temples to praise the Lord and to see him as their only ruler who can take their worries and bring happiness.Sri Ramanuja came down to earth to teach the world this hidden meaning by making the nectar of Sri Vaishnavam available to one and all. He lived 1000 years ago. But even before Sri Ramanuja several places where santified by the presence of Vishnu temples and people there had been practicing Sri Vaishnavism.
Sri Neelavarna Perumal Temple in Nanmangalam (next to kovilambakkam) near Medavakkam is one such ancient temple dating back more than 1000 years.
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