The Challenge before the Sabha was to totally reconstruct the 1200 year old temple and start the Thiruvaradhana Nitya Karmanushtanams that were stopped long back due to non availability of men and money power.
There were only 4 idols. These were that of Sri Neelavarna Swamy, Sri Devi, Bhu Devi and That of Swamy Nammalwar.
All the Vigrahams were made in the Pallava Period and are marvels of Art in stone.
The Sabha with the help of the President of the Nanmangalam Village Panchayat started the work of total reconstruction of the Vimanam and rebuilding the entire temple complex.
A Dasavatara Shobana Mandapam was also constructed in front of the Temple covering the old Stone Deepastambham with the image of Sri Hanuman in the bottom.
The entire work undertaken was only because of the grace of Lord as the sabha was always short of money and the Lord helped himself by bringing in more bhagavatas with the needed money from near and far.
Sri Andavan Swamy ( Sri Ranga Ramanuja Maha Desika Swamy ) has also promised to visit the temple and set into action the Vikanasa Aradhana Niyamam and also donated a sum of Rs.10,000 for the reconstruction work.
Great Bhagavatas gave Lakhs in reconstructing and today the Temple is in some shape for the basic Aradhane to begin.
Still there is a long way ahead of us to see our Namperumal - Perarulalan - Sri Neelavarna Perumal get on the Garuda Vahanam and bless the people.
The Lord is awaiting the vijayam of his destined bhaktha kotis who will raise again the Glorious Garuda Dwajam ( Garuda Flag) in the Dwajasthambam and set forth the wheel of Dharma and Vaidheeka.
Already many devotees from far and wide have got the blessing of Sri Neelavarna Perumal and have donated and taken part in lot of utsavams beginning in the temple there by becoming the patram or vessels for the grace of the speaking god, Sri Neelavarna Perumal.
For example, there were devotees calling up from Cylone and Singapore as well as as far away as Canada channeling funds for the construction and maintenance of daily activities of temple.
The temple administration wishes to thank them all.
Many many devotees from far away corners of the world, who have even heard the news of Neelavarna Perumal are wishing to serve him in what ever means possible, it shows only the greatness of Sri Neelavarna Perumal in helping countless devotees who are in distress and call out for him.
Sri Neelavarna Perumal appears even today to the devoted souls in the form of a herdsman near Nanmangalam, giving guidance at the right point in their life. One such devotee was in distress and after praying at the temple, was walking through the Nanmangalam village grazing grounds. He forgot the way in his tension and he saw an old dark cowherd with a stick and shawl in his shoulders gracefully overseeing the cattle graze. He asked the old cowherd whats the way to the particular street he is going and the cowherd told the right direction and inquired from where the devotee is coming, for which the devotee told he is coming from Nanmangalam Perumal temple, for which the cowherd told, what ever he wishes will come true as the lord of Nanmangalam Perumal temple is a speaking god and they used to discuss with him their problems and he used to speak to them directly. The devotee was moved by this and turned around to his way as pointed by the cowherd, when he realized he hadnt thanked him for telling the way - when he turned back, all he could see instead of grazing land where the nanmangalam paddy fields with no sight of both the cowherd or the cattle till the horizon.
Amazed at this sudden turn of events, he went home to find that a telegram has arrived telling that the cause for his distress is wrongly reported. All he could do was have tears of joy roll down from his eyes. Sri Neelavarna Perumal has proved his existence once again.
Again, on a morning after a rainy night, when the temple archakar came to open the doors, he was shocked to find the door locks cut and opened. He quickly went inside to check the garba graham.
To his astonishment, the lord was wearing all the kavachas as it is and not even the collection in the deeparadhana plate have not been taken.
The archakar could see that in the earlier day night during the rainfall, the thief has come in breaking the locks and he has used the matchstick to find his way - he has come till the garbagraham and the last matchstick stops there.
No one knows what really happened to the theif, but he had not stolen even a paise from the temple - every thing was intact.
This proves that Perumal Sri Neelavarnan has made a change of heart to the thief and has prevented the theft from happening.
Many many such events that occur even to this day in kali yuga are baffling the science and making the faithful more devoted towards their faith to Sri Neelavarna Perumal.
The Lord finds his beloved devotees from any corner of world and brings them close to him. He provides the ways as well as the means. Just like Sri Nammalwar's poem, he is the food, beatle leaf and water for his true devotees and takes care of all their problems and brings only success, joy and happiness to even those who do any small work to his temple like sweeping the temple or fitting a bulb in the temple.
Time and again the Perumal at Nanmangalam, proves to his devotees his great affection towards them and in return ask only for their devotion unto him.
Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha -
Sriman Narayana Charanam Charanou prapadye Srimathe Narayanaya Namaha
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