
Sri Vishnu Shasra Nama Parayana


Sri Vishnu Sahasra Nama

The Sri Vishnu Sahasra Nama Parayanam is being done every Saturday and Sunday at Sri Sridevi Sri Bhudevi Samedha Sri Neelavarna Perumal temple.

The Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Parayanam starts from 7:00 p.m. in the evening and goes till 8:00 p.m when the Aarthi is performed to Sri Neelavarna Perumal.

Greatness of Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Parayanam

Sri Vishnu Sahasranama or literally the 1000 names of Lord Sri Hari Vishnu is found in the Yudha Kanda of the Great Indian Epic Maha Bharatha

During the Maha Bharata war, Bheesham, the great grand father of both Pandavas and Kauravas, fought by the side of Kauravas. 
Sri Bheeshma had the boon to prefer his own time of death - Hence, he chose to die at the time of Makara Shakarathi or the Pongal day on the 1st day of Utrayana Punya Kaala.

A sculpture of Sri Bheeshma lying in a bed of arrows laid by Arjuna - Angkor Vat - Cambodia - 
Sri Krishna is by his head side.
Sri Yudhishtra and Dhuryodhana are on his other side of head and Arjuna is by his foot and points an arrow to bring the water from Ganges to Bheeshma.

During that time when he was lying in his death bed, Sri Krishna asks Dharma Raja Yudhistra to go and seek from Bheeshma before he passes away, on what 'Dharma' means. It was at this crucial time of evening of a day of war, on the tormented time of mind on the peaceful evening of soothing air when the scorching sun was setting by the side and the cool breeze of evening was there - that Sri Krishna along with Sri Yudhistra goes to hear what 'Dharma' means from Bheeshma.

Sri Bheeshma Lying in a bed of arrows and teaching the Pancha Pandavas about What 'Dharma' means.

Thus was born the greatest of all slokas showcasing 'Dharma' to bring light into this dark world of Kali yuga.

The opening verses of Sri Vishnu Sahasranama explain this scene and starts with the opening words of Sri Dharma Raja Yudhistra - 'Dear teacher Bheeshma - please teach us what Dharma means'.
For which Sri Bheeshma explains that 'Dharma' is 'Vishnu' and 'Vishnu' alone is 'Dharma' by explaining the concept of 'Vishnu'

Sri Vishnu as the 'Anur Bhruhat Krutas Sthoolo' - the Atom to an Atom - the greatest energy that holds even the sub atomic particles.

Sri Vishnu as 'Vishwam Vishnur Vashat Kaaro Bhoota Bhavya Bhavat Prabuhu' - as the Lord of all universes at all times thats past, present and future.

Parithranaaya Saadhoonam Vinashaya Chatush Krutham Dharma Samstha arpanaarthaaya Sambhavaami Yugae Yugae - Sri Vishnu as Sri Krishna explaining that when innocents people are killed, when people are polluted by corruption and ego, when the moral of society decays and anarchy prevails, he will come to earth Again and Again to restore Dharma and order in the society.

Past Avatars of Sri Vishnu when He has kept his promise of restoration of Dharma in society. Sri Matsya, Sri Koorma, Sri Varaha, Sri Narasimha, Sri Vaamana, Sri Parasurama, Sri Raama, Sri Balarama and Sri Krishna Avatar as said by Sri Veda Vyasa in Srimadh Bhaagavatam.

Sri Vishnu as the only savior - Roogarthe Muchyathe Roogath Bhandho Muchyatha Bhandhanaath Bhayan Muchyetha Peedhyasthu Muchya thaapan Na-aapanaha - Sri Vishnu as the only savior as he is the medicine to the ones in disease, as the only relation to the orphan, the protector to those who are afraid, as the one and only friend of all things in this universe.

Sri Vishnu as the killer of the egoistic Hiranya Kashipu - who destroyed the morals of society and corrupted the education system by introducing his self pride and abused the power of rule and law and order - Hiranya Garbho Bhu Garbho Maadhavo Madhusudhanaha - Sri Vishnu as the All encompassing universe and its internal contents who could only be reached by greatest of all penances and compassion.

This is re-iterated even in the Tamil Divya Prabandhams of Sri Periyaazhwar's Thirup Pallandu

அண்டை குலத்துக்கு அதிபதியாகி அசுரர் இராக்கதரை 
இன்டைக் குலத்தை எடுத்துக் களைந்த இருடிகேசன் தனக்கு
தொண்டைக்  குலத்தில்  உள்ளீர் !  வந்தடி  தொழுது  ஆயிர  நாமம்  சொல்லி 
பண்டைக்  குலத்தைத்  தவிர்ந்து  பல்லாண்டு  பல்லாயிரத்தாண்டு  என்மினே 
aNdak kulaththukku athipathiyAgi asurar irAkkadharai
iNdaik kulaththai eduththuk kaLaindha irudIkEsan thanakku
thoNdak kulaththil uLLIr! vandhadi thozudhu Ayira nAmam solli
paNdaik kulaththaith thavirndhu pallANdu pallAyiraththANdu enminE

Please look that Sri Periyaazhwar tells that there is no other caste or creed difference that separates a Bhaktha from Sriman Narayana.

So, He asks, every one to forget their caste, creed and other distinctions and come together to learn and understand the 1000 names of Sriman Narayana.

Even Sri Shankara in his 'Bhaja Govindha' song, specifically states learning of 1000 names of Sriman Narayana as the only ways to understand 'Dharma' in this Kali Yuga.

Geyam Githa , Nama Sahasram,
Dhyeyam Sri Pathi Roopamajasram,
Neyam Sajjana Sange Chittam,
Dheyam Deenajanaaya Cha Vitham (Bhaja Govindam….)

So, come one, come all and get the greatest benefit of getting all you want in this life and the next by praying to Sriman Narayana and singing his 1000 names of Sri Vishnu Sahasra Naama.